serpent (apple inc. and etc) created by jago dibuja
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  • Erigen said:
    Charger sold separately.

    - You'll gonna need a cable for that charger. Sold separately of course.
    - Also, if you'll gonna charge it with the non-Apple brand electricity, you'll void your warranty.

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  • miestwin said:
    - You'll gonna need a cable for that charger. Sold separately of course.
    - Also, if you'll gonna charge it with the non-Apple brand electricity, you'll void your warranty.

    As my friend found out the hard way if you don't use the correct charger you'll fry whatever you are trying to charge.

    What happened was he and I were playing No Way Out. We got to the last chapter when his controller started dying. He went to plug it in and fried it but didn't know it. He couldn't get it to work so he thought to try a different charger and went to find it. He texts me that it wasn't working and that he thinks he fried it. He always used his phone charger since his actual charger broke. He had replaced his old phone charger as it had a frayed wire. It didn't occur to him that things need specific current strength to charge or the electronics will overcharge and fry. See his new charger was a turbo charger that just so happened to also fit his controller. He thought it would charge his controller faster but the current was too strong and fried it. He went to Wal-Mart later that night to replace it but the store was closed. He went the next day to find out it wouldn't have mattered if the store was open the previous night because they didn't have any at that time anyway. So he ran to the store in the middle of the night for no reason at all. He replaced his controller and got a charger and we finished No Way Out.

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