aurora spencer created by superbabsy123
  • Comments
  • You know, when I look at this picture two things come to mind
    1: It must be hot as hell in that thing
    2: Who's on the other end of that camera taking these pictures

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  • Bias said:
    You know, when I look at this picture two things come to mind
    1: It must be hot as hell in that thing
    2: Who's on the other end of that camera taking these pictures

    1) Probably! Although a lot of fursuits incorporate fairly ingenious means of staying cool - there could very well be a built-in fan in Aurora's head. I wouldn't be surprised, too, since the Aurora suit has been in existence for over five years now, and the performer is always upgrading and improving it (you can see a progression over their videos).

    2) I believe it's superbabsy123's significant other, since they own the house together where all of his/her videos are shot (not much evidence as to the performer's actual sex, though).

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  • I guarantee there is a male inside that costume. Though, I'd be thoroughly impressed if that were a giant doll.

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  • MiloFyre said:
    I guarantee there is a male inside that costume. Though, I'd be thoroughly impressed if that were a giant doll.

    Ha, it really is a fursuit. The performer has a bunch of videos up on their YouTube.

    And honestly, does it really matter the sex of the person inside the suit? The fursuit is attractive and well made, and is stylized female after the character. Good enough!

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  • BartonStroud said:
    Ha, it really is a fursuit. The performer has a bunch of videos up on their YouTube.

    And honestly, does it really matter the sex of the person inside the suit? The fursuit is attractive and well made, and is stylized female after the character. Good enough!

    If you're asking me then, yes it does matter. I maybe the only male homo sapien on this earth (or this site) that isn't attracted to a man dressing like a woman, that's just me of course.
    I'm just strange like that.

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